Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Strange Practise of Clare TD's Welcoming New Shannon Airport Routes

The opening up of  new routes from Shannon  Airport is always good news and is unanimously  supported by everybody in the region. We have state agencies such as Tourism Ireland and Discover Ireland that can promote these new access routes.

However, there  is a fascinating phenomonan here in Clare of our TDs issuing press releases 'welcoming' a new route from Shannon Airport. This involves the TDs endevouring to outdo each other to 'announce' a new route. The objective of the TDs is, of course, to  suggest to the public that they have in some way negotiated the new routes on behalf of Shannon Aiport.
 Airport Timetable -  PR opportunities for Clare TDs

I noted in my election blog Clare Election  that the candidates for The Banner demonstrated an ability to recite airport timetables and connections that would be the envy of a traditional travel agent..

Rookie TD playing the welcoming game
This  week we had a classic example of the 'welcoming' a new route game. Michael McNamara the rookie Labour TD in one of his first press releases advises he has 'learned' of a new Shannon to Vienna Route.

An Austrian airline is to commence charter flights between Shannon and Vienna from late May to September, Clare Labour T.D. Michael McNamara has learned. .The Clare Deputy said Niki . Luftfa.....

The release goes on to note the merits of Vienna as a hub for other flights. McNamara then throws in 'this is an airport I have used many times.' So first mover advantage to the Labour man  and MacNamara hopes that the electorate will associate this good news with him. The latest press release was issued by PR company Dunphy PR .

One wonders does McNamara believe that the punters think that he sat down with the Nikki Lauda owned airline  and hammered out a deal when we have a state owned commercial airport authority called Shannon Airport that does this?

Pat Breen FG and his election assertion
The other three  TDs are no doubt seething at the junior man trumping them in the' welcoming game.' This is no doubt particularly upsetting for Pat Breen of Fine Gael, the self appointed 'Shannon Airport's Voice.' Pat played the 'welcome a new route game' earlier in the year when he 'welcomed' the new Shannon to Gatwick schedule.

January 5th, 2011 - Pat Breen
Welcoming the announcement of a new Aer Lingus Gatwick Service from Shannon Airport; Fine Gael’s Spokesperson on Overseas Aid & Human Rights & Clare T.D. Pat Breen said today that this decision was a vote of confidence by Aer Lingus in their short-haul operation out of Shannon. Deput.......

This is just an example of what passes for politics in Clare. Instead of engaging in and articulating on matters that affect the country, and in turn the county, our men play games with each other. We deserve better.

Of course the real political agenda for Shannon Airport is its governance. Shannon is   subservient to the 'Dublin' (!) Airport Authority (DAA). The board of the DAA is politically appointed. Finding a resolution to this anacronism   (albeit with the huge legacy of  debt  to fix) is where our TDs should be spending their political time. We've heard nothing on that front.

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